Friday, June 12, 2009

My day off...

Unfortunately for me Monday was my day off. Why unfortunately you ask? Because Jeffery Campbell just happened to be in town and because he's such a nice guy he decided to drop in and say hi! While he was here he picked up the "Disco" shoe, designed by him of course for his daughter. Which by the way I have and love them. Just when I thought I couldn't miss out on anything else I get a text message from Jeanne that says "the costume designers of "It's always Sunny in Philadelphia came in and bought a pair of shoes for Dee". They were shooting scenes in Philly this week! Click here to checkout the "Disco" Click here to checkout Dee's new shoes

1 comment:

Amy W said...

oh no, megan! i can't believe that! i'm glad you're keeping a blog though-- putting those talents to some use! :)